Our Story
BRO! Picture this. It was the night before New Years and Welles’ mom finally got the chance to sit on the couch to relax (or so she thought!). A few minutes later, she was approached by Welles who eagerly asked her to help him sell some of his old toys on Facebook marketplace in hopes of getting a few extra dollars for the arcade. At 5 months pregnant, his mom wasn’t exactly in the mood to tackle this endeavor, yet again (as this certainly was not the first time he’d asked). In hopes of gaining just a few more minutes of quiet time, Welles’ mom sent him up to his room to complete a task with the intention to keep him busy. She asked him not to come back down until he found his favorite hat. A mere two minutes later, Welles came rushing down the stairs with his favorite hat in hand. With a surprised look on her face, his mom said, “That’s it? That’s your favorite hat?” It was a simple hat. Nothing fancy. Shades of green with large lettering that read “DUDE”. So his mom said, “Welp.. we can’t do Dude, but what about BRO?” Welles quickly responded with “Lax BRO” as if it was some sort of reflex. He then went on to say “Hockey BRO”, then “Golf BRO”, and so on. After some thinking, Welles asked his mom, well why can’t we make our own hats to sell with the word BRO on it? His mom entertained the idea for the night to try to buy herself some more time for relaxation but little did she know that Welles would continues to ask her about selling hats every single day going forward, for the next 6 months. After about 2 weeks of relentless questioning, his mom finally caved and took out her laptop to throw together some designs to see what she could come up with. Welles’ dad jumped in pretty early on with ideas about “brotherhood” and sports, and before we knew it, we were well on our way towards designing a hat line. Plenty of “figuring it out” was done in the following months but we eventually created a collection of hats Welles was proud of and reflected exactly what he had in mind that new year’s night. And so, here we are…